Corporate & University Relations Group

Transforming Undergraduate Education
in Engineering/Computer Science (TUEE)

This website is currently under construction and is expected to go live in early June 2024. In the meantime, please review the copy and the links below.

Corporate & University Relations Group (CURG) and its senior associates are solely dedicated to providing breakthrough systemic solutions for the emerging national effort to Transform Undergraduate Education in Engineering (TUEE). The proposed TUEE Collaboratory model is a systemic student-centered active learning model (curricular, co-curricular, diversity/inclusion and new standards for higher education/industry collaboration) applied across the entire undergraduate experience. The TUEE Comprehensive Pilot through AY 2025-26 is a five-page overview of the entire two-year project. The Strategic Corporate Partner Investment Guidelines is a two-page description of suggested investment allocations to required projects and programs and other Innovative Features that would be developed throughout the AY 2024-2025 development phase prior to fully implementing the comprehensive pilot in AY 2025-2026.

Harvey Mudd College and Olin College of Engineering have been doing very well at student-centered, active project learning throughout the undergraduate experience for many years but they enroll only 1,400 students. As discussed in the Overview document linked above, the key issue at major, large universities, is one of numbers. Faculty simply lack the numbers and bandwidth to serve as advisors, coaches, and mentors throughout the undergraduate experience for each student. Release of Phase I (industry input) in 2013 of the five-year multi-phase NSF-funded ASEE TUEE initiative stimulated an emerging national movement to transform undergraduate education in engineering. However, a viable transformation model that could be implemented throughout the undergraduate experience at large universities has failed to materialize. The proposed TUEE Collaboratory model would develop the transformational elements during AY 2024-25. Then a comprehensive model pilot would be fully implemented throughout AY 2025-26.

The long-awaited option for a viable comprehensive model to begin Transforming Undergraduate Education in Engineering (TUEE) at major large universities is now here. It is anticipated that two, possibly up to four, major, large universities will be selected in early June, to begin preparing for full implementation of two scalable/sustainable regional pilots throughout the 2025-26 academic year. Two regional California pilots are in the process of being established in the SF Bay Area and the Greater Los Angeles Area. The model is designed to enable regional Collaboratories to be established across the nation within a few years. It seems unlikely for another comprehensive model to be forthcoming in the foreseeable future at major, large universities.

Please direct any inquiries and comments to Paul Jones. I am especially interested in responses from 1) Deans of Engineering/Computer Science and Associate Deans from Universities in California, 2) CTOs and Vice Presidents of major companies with headquarters and/or major operations in California.

Paul M. Jones
Corporate & University Relations Group
Interim Executive Director
TUEE Collaboratory
Transforming undergraduate education
in engineering/computer science (TUEE)

©2024, Corporate and University Relations Group, All rights reserved
